Systems theory  

Course Contents During this course the following topics will be covered: State-space representation of input-output system (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case). Linearization of a system. Solution of a linear system (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case). Impulse response and step response of a linear system (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case). Asymptotic stability, BIBO stability (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case). Controllability and observability (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case). Kalman decomposition. State feedback (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case). State reconstruction by observer (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case). System description in frequency domain. Composition of systems in frequency domain. Realization of transfer function. Study Goals After a successful completion of the course you will be able to model an input-output system by a state space model (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case). linearize a system around a given solution. determine whether an equilibrium point of a linear system is asymptotically stable, weakly stable or unstable (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case). compute the solution of a linear time-invariant system (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case). compute the impulse response and the step response of a linear time-invariant system (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case). determine whether or not a linear system is controllable (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case). determine whether or not a linear system is observable (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case). construct a Kalman decomposition of a linear system. design a feedback control (if it exists) which makes an unstable system stable or one which reduces the effect of disturbing signals (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case). design an observer (if it exists) which produces an approximation of the state of the system such that the error converges to zero (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case). represent a linear system in the frequency domain. construct various realizations of a given transfer function.
Systems theory

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